If you are considering primary school places for your child for September 2023, there are a number of ways you can learn more about what makes Tuxford Primary Academy so special.
Arrange a visit
There’s nothing like seeing our academy for yourself, so if you’d like to arrange a tour of our academy, we invite you to get in touch using the contact details below.
Social media
We share lots of exciting things on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so follow us to find out more.
Have a look around our website
Our website provides lots of information, from what our curriculum looks like to what our vision and values are. If you have any questions about any aspect, please do get in touch using the details below.
Applying to Tuxford Primary Academy
You can find full details about the application process on our dedicated ‘how to apply’ page.
Contact us
Should you have any questions about admissions to Tuxford Primary Academy, we are always happy to help.
Contact us at: office@tuxfordprimary-ac.org.uk