Our enrichment offer
As well as the highest quality teaching and learning, we promise that every child will have the opportunity to….
- Learn to respect our community
- Learn to play an instrument
- Learn to swim
- Raise money for charity
- Cook within D&T using recipes and creating our own
- Learn to sew
- Visit a concert hall
- Take part in tournaments
- Attend school discos
- Take part in British Science Week
- Make clay and pottery designs
- Visit religious buildings
- Go on an overnight educational visit
- Take pride in their own creative achievements
- Visit museums and galleries
- Explore animals and their environments/habitats
- Learn about different careers
- Watch a pantomime or visit a theatre
- Learn and build appropriate relationships
- Compete in a sports day
- Visit local care homes and have conversations with the older generation
- Take part in World Book Day
- Take part in a musical performance
- Join a club
- Learn about a range of different artists and art movements
- Take part in Internet Safety Day
- Learn a different language
- Learn about different countries and cultures
- Follow the DAaRT course and have a graduation assembly