Our curriculum aims to provide all of our children with the very best education, developing their head, heart and hand. Through the highest expectations academically, strong values embedded and opportunities for the application of skills, our children are well prepared for the future, love learning and ultimately have the confidence to become happy and successful adults.

We believe all children should have access to the same high-quality curriculum, whilst ensuring that our teachers are able to adapt their teaching to meet the individual needs of the children. We ensure this through a range of methods such as tailoring resources and approaches to ensure the same high-quality curriculum is delivered to the class, including those learners who are EAL and SEND. We also offer additional support packages to children depending on the areas of need.

Our curriculum is designed to fulfil our academy vision:

To inspire, to raise aspirations and to create brighter tomorrows.

Our broad and balanced curriculum:

  • is knowledge rich and based around quality texts which open up literary worlds to our children;
  • is sequenced and secured so that knowledge is retained and skills are used fluently between subjects;
  • ensures that all children thrive during their first experience of school and beyond, no matter what their starting points are;
  • is creative and engaging – focused around themes where links in learning are rich and deep;
  • explicitly teaches values and character, building cultural capital with a focus on the essential knowledge that children need in order to be educated citizens;
  • teaches the skills and strategies they need to become independent learners;
  • is appropriate to the context of our school and the differing backgrounds of our learners;
  • provides our children with a strong enrichment offer; and
  • inspires our children’s learning and raises their future aspirations.

Our curriculum by year group

You can view our curriculum by year group


Our curriculum is fully inclusive for all pupils – we strive to ensure that all of our children’s needs are met.

More information can be found on our dedicated ‘SEND‘ page, you can also view our SEND and single equality policy on our policies page.

Find out more

If you require any additional information on our curriculum please contact us.